Disclaimer: i am not an expert in anything. i don't have a degree in nutrition or biology. i'm not certified in anything. i'm just a regular mom who wanted to get in shape and this is just my honest experience.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

did it work?

So far so good. Logging my food made me more conscious of what i was eating and instead of snacking on fluff I made sure to have meals. At the beginning of the day I was worried I was gonna go over my calories bc I had eaten like 900 calories (mostly fat) before lunch. I made a smoothie with coconut milk, coconut cream, protein powder, and peanut butter. But for some reason liquids only keep me full temporarily. So I ended up having bacon and shrimp.

At lunch I had melted cheese, taco meat, green onions, taco sauce. A hot mess on a plate but damn was it good.

I also did better with my waters yesterday.

At dinner I had pork roast and a heaping helping of steamed green beans. Then after  I put my son to bed I had strawberries and whipped cream and watched American Horror Story. And right before bed I had some crispy jalapenos (guilty pleasure) and some melatonin gummies.

I slept really well and for what felt like a long time.

I woke up this morning refreshed.

But last night after dinner I was dancing a jig. I had a burst of energy. Clearly this is an improvement but too early to tell. And I tend to self diagnose alot. Gonna continue to eat more mindfully and also I've cut my Metformin in half again. So we'll see how I feel today. I just don't wanna be moody and tired anymore. Yesterday my workout was shit. I didn't warm up, i rushed it, and i definitely pulled one of my traps doing deadlifts.

At this moment, I'm drinking my coffee and I feel ok. My mind is clear. However, I don't really feel like exerting myself. So, we'll see how this day goes....

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