Disclaimer: i am not an expert in anything. i don't have a degree in nutrition or biology. i'm not certified in anything. i'm just a regular mom who wanted to get in shape and this is just my honest experience.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Looking into Keto

Ok I just want to start by saying that when I talk about any way of eating it only pertains to ME personally. I don't believe in telling people how to eat especially since its so subjective. Every person is different and what works for them is a very individual thing. That being said I wanted to share my journey with you.

My friend Anthony whom I respect very much and see as a mentor (he is also a dad who is currently working towards being a trainer himself) has coached me through various things. He got me started  with my exercise, he's answered countless questions i have, and he told me that a ketogenic diet would be very beneficial to me. I looked into it but got super stressed (this was during the anxiety of the thyroid diagnosis i gave myself) and decided I couldn't mentally handle all the restriction right now. I needed to just do low carb, and relax. And I have, and its been going well. But I'm doing research on my own into Ketosis and the Ketogenic diet. I'm trying to figure out why? Why is this good for me? How does it work in the body? Doesn't my body need carbs to be strong? etc etc etc. In my research I found this video of a man named Peter Attia doing a talk about how it worked in HIS body. I found it  scientific with a bit of humor and also palatable. He explained it in a way I could understand. And the visuals help. I wanted to post this on here for anyone who has ever considered ketosis. He answers all the questions about why and what it actually does in your body. He actually talks about insulin resistance which is what I have. I realize this is a good fit for me healthwise. But mentally I'm not there yet. I feel like I have to ease my brain into it. I still have more questions on the how. How do i get into ketosis? What are the guidelines? and so forth.

but for now I wanted to post this, mostly for my own reference, but for anyone else interested.

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