Disclaimer: i am not an expert in anything. i don't have a degree in nutrition or biology. i'm not certified in anything. i'm just a regular mom who wanted to get in shape and this is just my honest experience.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The kind of mom I want to be

I always knew I didn't want to be lazy and tired and not keep up with my kids. I want to be in shape, have energy, keep up with them and set a good example.

Last year I remember taking benji to the park and trying to sit as much as possible and getting tired just walking around after him. And I'll tell you, on my bad days (fatigue), I'm still that bad if not worse. But on a good day where I'm myself I am shocked at how well I keep up with him.

Yesterday after our nap we drove to the park and I was like ok come on let's do push ups, let's do squats, come in let's jog. He would imitate me. I did push ups on park benches, I did dips on playground equipment, and stepped up on other playground equipment, I jogged around the track. And my 1 1/2yr old son wanted me to carry him. He was tired and couldn't keep up with ME!! Talk about a first!!! So I carried him and jogged. Then I sat him on the park bench with some water and snacks and kept on doing my thing, jumping jacks, squats, etc. 

It felt amazing to be this person. To be able to not only keep up with my son but to lead him. To set a good example. I'm so happy to know that my son will grow up with good habits. And that he will have a healthy relationship with fitness and food. And that he won't know me as the lazy tired out of shape person I was before. He will know a better version of me. And to me that is a blessing. So proud of myself and my journey. It's so worth it.

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