Disclaimer: i am not an expert in anything. i don't have a degree in nutrition or biology. i'm not certified in anything. i'm just a regular mom who wanted to get in shape and this is just my honest experience.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

up and down...riding the wave

i had 2 good days recently. saturday and sunday. i felt normal. i worked out. i got so much done saturday. it was so great to be my normal self. i forgot just how capable i am at handling life. the bad days make me feel like a lazy good for nothing. anyway the good days are fewer and further between. i don't know when the next one will be. on those days i feel like i can get back to my agenda and take on the world and do anything. then it goes away when i can hardly get through my day.

but we keep going...hoping that the next leap will be the leap home....(quantum leap reference)

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