Disclaimer: i am not an expert in anything. i don't have a degree in nutrition or biology. i'm not certified in anything. i'm just a regular mom who wanted to get in shape and this is just my honest experience.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Protein review #1 : 1st Phorm Phormula-1 Loop D Fruit

One thing you must know about me is that I am constantly on the hunt for the best tasting protein. I have tried endless protein powders over the last 4 years. I am not an expert in ingredients, let me put that out there right now. I'm basing my reviews on taste. I do however try to find powders with higher quality protein as opposed to the low shelf stuff they have at the supermarket.

Now, many people seem to stick with chocolate. I'm not that girl. I'm just not a big chocolate person. I'm more of a fruity person. So when i find fruity sounding protein I get excited. I'll start with the very latest one I've tried first, and go from there. 

Now, I follow a lot of fitness ppl on instagram. Its a great motivator. I read things in the comments and see pictures and sometimes you get turned on to something new. One of those things was 1st Phorm. What is 1st Phorm? I dunno but everyone was singing its praises. Well shit, let me look into it. So I did. Its some company that sells workout supplements and protein and pre workout and such. Small but growing. 

-They only sell their stuff (from what i could find) via their website and in person at a Supplement Superstore to which it turns out they have a relationship or some kind of steak in the game. I hear they really do the hard sell and try to push 1st Phorm products at those stores. 

-The only reviews I could find were glowing reviews but when I looked a bit deeper it was all people who were sponsored by or had some kind of relationship with 1st Phorm. 

hmmm.......these are 2 red flags. But you know, I'm an optimist. #theHIGHLYsuggestableType #sucker and I mean, who could pass up a protein that tastes like fruit loops?!!! all those youtube videos that said it was so good were very convincing. So I went to their website. Most protein is sold in tubs of 2lbs or 5lbs. This one was a little less than 2lbs. Cost? $50. what? YES....don't choke girl, $50!!!!!! Ummmm hi I can get a 2lb tub of Optimum Nutrition protein for $30. So $49.99, thats the base price of this 1st phorm stuff, then tack on the shipping. The cheapest shipping they have is $11. So this stuff ended up costing me a grand total of $60!!!!!!!! FOR PROTEIN! Listen, this shit better taste like a unicorn farted rainbow colored sugar thats for fucking sure.

I was sooo excited to get it. Beautiful packaging. So much promise!

I smelled it. Mmmmmm....smells divine! I dipped my finger in the powder and was shocked to find it tasted like the powder at the bottom of the cereal box! Oh joy! I mixed myself up a cup with cold milk. Oooooh oooh baby, I can't wait. Ohhhh....oh..noo....no no no no no. UGH! There was this weird chemical bitter flavor. Overwhelming. You could tell the background had that great fruity flavor I was looking for but the foreground nastyness was way too overpowering. I tried again, using the instructions on the tub. Mixing in cold water and letting it stand for 1 min. Ok this has to do the trick. But no, same nasty ass taste. What was a girl to do?! I'll tell you, choke that shit down. I spent $60 on it!!! So now i have to LITERALLY hold my nose and choke it down. The after taste is nice, burping it up is pleasant. But that's about it. 

Now maybe I got a bad batch (i doubt it) or maybe my taste buds are just off and maybe YOU will like it. Especially if you're being sponsored by them or paid by them in some way. But this is just MY honest review. I figured the internet needed one. 

To top it off, as much as they boast about it being super high quality cold pressed protein, I didn't notice it help with my muscle recovery at all. Optimum Nutrition (hence forth will be referred to as ON) however, made a huge difference with my muscle recovery. It's good stuff. 

So there you go. Sorry 1st Phorm, but that's a thumbs down. They have delicious sounding flavors and you might wanna try them for yourself, you might actually like them, but for that price is it really worth the gamble? 1st Phorm should offer a sample pack. I'm kind of glad I didn't like it because could you imagine spending $60 every month for this? Yikes!

1 comment:

  1. If you win 1st Phorm, it doesn't mean that you only looks good you should also be able to influence others of being healthy and fit.
