Disclaimer: i am not an expert in anything. i don't have a degree in nutrition or biology. i'm not certified in anything. i'm just a regular mom who wanted to get in shape and this is just my honest experience.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

So where am i? This is where I'm at.

 I've pretty much diagnosed myself with hypothyroidism. After dealing with it this long I needed answers and all the pieces of the puzzle seem to fit. But I won't know for sure till I see a doctor. You know it's funny, people used to tell me to check my thyroid when I was very very heavy. I did. It was normal. And honestly I never remember getting these kinds of symptoms back then. But it always seemed like an excuse to be fat to me. I didn't think it was anything serious.

Now that I'm researching I'm shocked to find just how serious it all is. And just how complex. Because I already have PCOS I'm susceptible to more serious thyroid diseases like Hashimotos. Not only that but I'm finding out that doctors like to do the bare minimum when it comes to diagnosing and treating  treating thyroid diseases. They do simple bloodwork and if you fall I the "normal" range you're fine. Except you still have symptoms. There are so many different blood tests to do and so many diff medications to consider and even then the dose has to be tweaked. The bottom line is you have to know your shit before you see your doctor. We have to be our own advocates. My appt is one week from now. I couldn't even get in to see a doctor after waiting an entire month for an appt. I'm seeing a nurse practitioner. But I really need to be seeing an endocrinologist. I'm hoping she can write up a referral but I'm pretty sure a doctor needs to do that.

This month has been a real game changer for me. For 2 months prior I had been getting minor symptoms every 2 weeks or so. I thought (with my self diagnosing) that they were minor and would go away by making minor changes. They went away but always came back. After a while they came back stronger and brought more symptoms with them. That's when I started to take things seriously. I went from having mostly good days and a few bad days twice a month to where I am now. Which is mostly bad days and some not so bad days. The good days are getting fewer and further now. It's really thrown a wrench in my fitness routine. I have to take things one day at a time now. 

I read some things and talked to some people and it left me discouraged. But then I went online and looked for other ppl with this disease who are still fighting, still in the fitness game, still reaching goals. It's been so inspirational. It can be done. It will always be a struggle, I will always lose slower than normal people and it will take more effort but it can be done. I can have good days again. I just have to make sure I go in to that doctors office knowing my shit and not taking no for an answer.

This is all still new to me. I'm still in the beginning stage of my research and its kind of complex. Technical things take a long time for me to wrap my head around and understand. But I will keep looking for explanations and information. When I have a better grasp on it I will post my findings on here so that you can understand what it is and what your options are. I will include links to articles and websites too. For now I'm still digging through all the info.

I will keep you updated on my doctor appt.

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